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Probe for unannounced web servers in a domain?

I am looking for tools and/or methods for discovering unannounced web
servers in my domain, a typical heterogeneous unfirewalled university

My motivation is partly security (to turn over as many rocks as I can
and see what wriggles out) and partly to automatically publicize
legitimate servers that students or departments may have set up on
their own machines.

This question really has two pieces:

   (1) The obvious brute-force method to look for unnanounced but
   legitimate servers would be to take a recent local host table and
   attempt to connect to port 80 of every host with an HTTP "GET /"
   request.  Ideally such a program should pace itself slowly, work
   during off-hours, etc. in order to minimize its impact on the campus
   network.  Does anyone know of an existing tool which does this or do
   I need to write it?

   (2) I'm also looking for less obvious methods, especially those
   which may be able to detect servers on ports other than 80.  Does
   anyone know of existing tools or promising methods?  They could
   either operate by watching the network (sniffing for packets which
   look like HTTP transactions, I suppose?) or, in a more limited
   fashion, on a Unix server itself.

I've glanced through several lists of network security software
packages (e.g., "http://www.alw.nih.gov/Security/prog-network.htm")
and seen some tools which look like they *might* be adaptable to this
purpose, but I'm hoping that there are tools which fit this need to
begin with.

Please reply by *MAIL* and I will summarize.  Thank you.

-- Prentiss Riddle ("aprendiz de todo, maestro de nada") riddle@rice.edu
-- RiceInfo Administrator, Rice University / http://is.rice.edu/~riddle